27-28 July, 2021 | 08:30 >17:00
Our story
The goal of SEASAT Youth Camp is to enrich young people, from the age of 18 to 24, in their familiarity with their ASEAN, South Asian, and Taiwanese neighbors with the hopes of promoting better understanding and cooperation among international youths. In collaboration with the American Institute in Taiwan, the 2-day session will expose participants to lectures on contemporary issues affecting the region, seminars, and a crash course on social innovation. The Camp also doubles as a networking platform to further connect the SEASAT youth.
The camp will engage participants with cutting-edge issues in seminars, group activities, and converse with established leaders based in Taiwan. Through the classroom in the daytime and nightly group work with peers, we hope for the participants to reaffirm, if not to awaken, a sense of duty or a calling towards their communities, countries, and region.