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27-28 July, 2021 | 08:30 >17:00

Class I: Equal Access to Public Healthcare
Dr. Ming-Jui Yeh
Institute of Health Policy and Management, National Taiwan University

Class II: Obstacles in Climate Change Negotiations
Han-Wei Chang
Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC)

Class II: Obstacles in Climate Change Negotiations
Yenchi Chen
Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC)

Food for Thought: Social Participation as a Vocation?
Ivy Kwek
Research for Social Advancement (REFSA)

Class III: Migrant Workers and Marginalization
Dr. Pei-Chia Lan
Department of Sociology & Global Asia Research Center, National Taiwan University

Class V: Young Leader Talks—A Fireside Chat
Kuan-Ju Chou
Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)
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