27-28 July, 2021 | 08:30 >17:00
Kuan-Ju Chou
Digital Rights Specialist
Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)
Class V: Young Leader Talks—A Fireside Chat
Wednesday, 28, July
Ms. Kuan-Ju Chou is a digital rights specialist at the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR), and the author of the 2020 Taiwan Internet Transparency Report, disclosing the scale of information and methods that the government used to obtain user data and restricted internet content. The report urges the government to establish a transparent mechanism to protect privacy and freedom of speech. She also focuses on the use of national digital identity, the lawsuit over the National Health Insurance research database, and the advocacy of establishing an independent data protection agency in Taiwan. Kuan-Ju holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Slavic languages and literature from National Chengchi University.