27-28 July, 2021 | 08:30 >17:00

Annie Kuan
1095 Culture Studio
Class V: Young Leader Talks—A Fireside Chat
Wednesday, 28, July
Ms. Annie Kuan is Co-founder of the 1095 Culture Studio. She graduated from National Chung Hsing University with a Bachelor of History. At 1095 Culture Studio, she serves as Co-Principal Investigator of a survey and a documentary on the Respite Care Service Utilization Requirement for Families with Migrant Care Workers, sponsored by Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health of the Ministry of Labor.
1095 Culture Studio is a social enterprise that aims to create an interactive platform for Taiwanese citizens and Southeast Asians in central Taiwan. From 2017 to 2019, the Studio had been strengthening its collaboration with both domestic and international organizations, such as the Ministry of Culture, Labor Affair Bureau of Taichung City Government and Oxfam Hong Kong to produce a variety of multicultural courses, teaching materials, and training programs for the migrant workers.